Port lincoln

Chamber of Commerce and Tourism

Join the Chamber

Apply for membership by completing our online form located on our membership page


Port Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and Tourism is an independent and membership-funded organisation supporting business sustainability and growth on the Southern Eyre Peninsula.
We do this through:

Advocating Council and Government bodies on behalf of the business community

Actively promoting business and tourism in the region

Providing up-to-date information and facilitating access to beneficial resources

Fostering Business Development through workshops and events such as the Business Excellence Awards

Providing a platform for the development of stronger relationships within the business community through activities such as networking events, seminars and workshops

We empower businesses through a range of services to members and we invite you to join
Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 pm in the Mortlock or Flinders Room at the Port Lincoln Hotel. Please contact us if you are keen to attend one of our meetings.


Port Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and Tourism is an independent and membership-funded organisation supporting business sustainability and growth on the Lower Eyre Peninsula.
We do this through:

Advocating Council and Government bodies on behalf of the business community

Actively promoting business and tourism in the region

Providing up-to-date information and facilitating access to beneficial resources

Fostering Business Development through workshops and events such as the Business Excellence Awards

Providing a platform for the development of stronger relationships within the business community through activities such as networking events, seminars and workshops

Join the Chamber

We empower businesses through a range of services to members and we invite you to join
Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 pm in the Mortlock or Flinders Room at the Port Lincoln Hotel. Please contact us if you are keen to attend one of our meetings.

Join the Chamber of Commerce

It’s your opportunity to join a passionate, connected and united group of business people who lead, support and promote the Port Lincoln business community.

General Meeting

From February to November.

Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the Mortlock or Flinders Room at the Port Lincoln Hotel. Please contact us if you are keen to attend one of our meetings by emailing info@portlincolnchamber.com.au

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